Speciality Focused
Trusted Portfolio of Brands
Operations in 16 Indian States
Innovative Solutions
Patented Packaging of Our Injection
Modified Ampoule holder with Patent No 397003 in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Patents Act,1970
Bion Therapeutics have invented a modified ampoule holder which prevents slipping of the ampoule from the ampoule holder while handling or during transportation. The plurality of the pairs of flaps provided on the inner side of ampoule receptacle i.e. the cavity housing the glass ampoule helps in holding the ampoule and prevents breakage. The extra cavity provided in the upper part of the ampoule cavity helps in easily dislodging the ampoule from the holder while using.

Trusted Portfolio of Brands
Evidence based medicines across Allopathy, Ayurvedic & Nutraceutical only through Rx

Every human being is the author of his/her own metabolic health, diseases and complications
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The brain is conceded to be the master organ of the body, the regulator of life, the source of human progress
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A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to Create, Nurture and Transform
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Getting a wound is not one’s fault but one’s healing is his/her responsibility
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We Are Trusted By Leading Specialty & Super-specialty Doctors
- Provide quality medicine for disease management
- Disseminate knowledge on latest developments in medical science
- Collaborating with doctors for effective patient management
- Creating disease awareness program for a Bountiful Health
Diabetes Patients (India)
Diabetes Neuropathy (India)
Hypertension Patient (India)

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